Brazil – Rio de Janeiro state

Several GSO workshops were held in the state of Rio de Janeiro in September. During a meeting at the headquarters of the State’s Minister of Education, it was agreed that the state would set in motion a state-wide GSO action in 2024. The action will include the offering of GSO participation to 36 high schools. Furthermore, several GSO workshops and school visits were conducted in the cities of Campos, São Francisco de Itabapoana, and São João da Barra.

Image (right to left): Professor Amanda Passalini, Pedagogical Coordinator of the North Fluminense Regional Coordination; Professor Joilza Rangel (Undersecretary of Education), Professor Roberta Barreto de Oliveira, Minister of Education of the State of Rio de Janeiro; Dr. Oded Ben-Horin, Head of Department of Arts Education at the Western Norway University of Applied Sciences and coordinator of the Global Science Opera; Dr. Marcelo Souza, Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense Darcy Ribeiro\Coordinator of GSO’s activities in Brazil.

Image (right to left): Dr. Oded Ben-Horin, Head of Department of Arts Education at the Western Norway University of Applied Sciences and coordinator of the Global Science Opera; Dr. Marcelo Souza, Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense Darcy Ribeiro\Coordinator of GSO’s activities in Brazil.