We have a new member in our community! Ukraine!

Iryna Berezovska coordinates international activities at the Junior Science Academy in Lviv, and now this includes the Global Science Opera. She graduated from Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University and got her Kandidat degree at Voronezh State Technical University (Russia). After many years of work related to simulating communication systems at a research center , she continued her career in education: first as an Assistant Professor at the Ternopil National Technical University, then at medical and nursing education institutions in Lviv. She was involved in U.S. – Ukraine hospital partnerships and did a fellowship at San Jose State University (CA, USA). Within the framework of programs supported by the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine, she developed and completed a few projects focused on information technology in healthcare, patient education, nursing informatics and inclusive education. Iryna Berezovska is a member of the Hand-on Science Network.

The Junior Academy of Science in Lviv (Ukraine) is an educational institution of out-of-school education focused on research and experimental work. Students of 5-11 grades attend different science clubs and take advanced-level classes on science delivered by university faculty members abd researchers. Students carry out research projects in the laboratories of local research institutions and universities under the supervision of scientists. Young researchers take part in regional, national and international intellectual competitions, conferences, festivals and exhibitions. During the summer holidays, the Junior Academy of Science organizes summer scientific schools, archeological, folklore and ethnographic expeditions.