
Here is the poster for CREAVOLUTION!  It is a joint effort by students in Oslo, Norway, who have embroidered the design.

If you are participating in this years opera, please send us your logo, so we can add it to the poster.


We had a very exciting presentation of the GSO for the “StoryLab” to employees at NASA. I am sure you can imagine how thrilled we were to get this opportunity! The recording is here. We’re hoping to engage in dialogue with NASA in order to get inspiration for our 2023 production. 

Poster-contest for Creavolution

We wish to host a contest for the poster, open for all participating students to make suggestions for what the poster should look like. 

The winning suggestion will then be worked further with by a professional visual/graphic artist.  Suggestions for the poster will be included in the Eco-art Gallery, and some of them will be shown in the opera.

Link to Thrive

The link to Thrive will be published

here on Friday November 19th. Stay tuned!

World Opera Day

For the World Opera Day, the Norwegian team made this short video while filming the story for Thrive.

How far would you go to make great art?

How far wouldn’t you go to make green art (and help save the world)?

GSO on Instagram

We finally took the step, and now the GSO has its own Instagram-account. If you want to share photos from your work with your contributions, please tag us: @scienceoperaglobal (note the relocation of the words in the name). For this years production you can also use the hashtags: #globalscienceopera #gsothrive #ecosystemrestoration and #generationrestoration which is the UN´s own suggestion.


updated poster for Thrive

Here is a revised version of the Thrive poster – now with all the logos included.


Congratulations, Dr. Ben-Horin!

It is with great pleasure we congratulate Oded Ben-Horin with his dissertation “Improvising the Bridge” today, and his new official title: Doctor! Oded is one of the “founding fathers” of the GSO, and led the production of the first operas.  He is still the visionary coordinator of the GSO and much of his doctoral work is connected to it. The rest of the team continues to learn so much from him.

Mid-May he will be the speaker at the GSO online session about music.