GSO4SCHOOL online sessions

Keep the dates:

March 31st 4 pm cet: Petros Stergioploulos – Music-workshop on sonification and leitmotif. Please find link in Creavolution-booklet for link to his first session. This second one builds on the first.

April 22nd, 2 pm cet: Zeke Locke (USA) – Rehearsal Global Science Opera choir

May 20th at 2 pm cet: Valentina Tudisca (Italy)/ Paraskevi Tzouveli from the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) and Maria Boubouka from the 1st Experimental School of Athens (Greece) – Open Educational Resources (and where to find them)

For recordings of previous online sessions, please find links in the Creavolution booklet. There you will also find the link to the coming sessions.